Blowing The Dust Off Negativity


“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.” – Sophia Bush

Accepting yourself includes acknowledging the person you are now, who you were and the experiences you went through to get here. We are all a product of our environments and experiences. It is what we chose to do with all the information we take in and how we allow it to effect us, that matters.  ‘This is me, you can like me or not. It doesn’t matter. Because I like me.’  I wish that we could all feel such confidence and acceptance in ourselves. We are quick to defend and admire the person standing next to us, even those we do not know. However, we struggle with the one staring back at us in the mirror.

Somewhere along the way some of us are told we are not good enough. We may be told that we will not achieve that dream we are aspiring to or may have been too afraid to even share that dream out loud for fear of judgment. Somewhere along the way that precocious little child with thoughts of adventure and no concern for the criticisms from others began to listen to the negative words from the world around them. There will always be someone willing to add their own commentary to your life choices and your path. How you choose to perceive them is up to you.

Every day we are inundated with opinions from other people. Some we are appreciative of as they encourage us and are meant to provide positive regard. Others come with razors attached, that cut deep, however we accept them all the same. We need to become better at learning how to not absorb the negativity that runs so prevalently around us at times. Opinions of others will never go away, however how we choose to react to them can change. Our mind, body and soul are sponges. We absorb everything coming in. And my goodness….do we have a lot coming in at any given time! Creating a good filtration system for yourself is a great tool to have when you are first learning how to decrease the negativity you are taking in (as well as getting rid of the negative clutter you have accumulated over the years).

I am a visual person, so I look at things as a story or an action happening in real time. I look at this filtration system as a way of hearing, reading, or taking in information being given to you by whatever format it’s coming to you. And before this information is given the opportunity to be permanently absorbed it must go through a vetting process. Now, you can create this in whatever way works best for you. Take your time in making this a positive image of a strong working unit, preventing negative opinions from penetrating your mind, body and soul. It may sound wonky to you at first to try something like this, but it can become a meditative practice when dealing with negativity, whether it be from outside sources or those coming from inside the recesses of your mind.

This practice can be done when doing some ‘Spring cleaning’ of those self-limiting statements and negative self-talk that you may be trying to decrease or free yourself of. You have more power than you think. You and only you control what information you take in and accept. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it does take practice, but you can do this! Set your goals for a practice of loving yourself for who you are, not based on comparing yourself to the standards of others and accepting who you are right now, knowing we are all a work in progress. Being kind to yourself leads to a more positive outlook on your life, relationships, decision making and overall empowered thoughts and feelings towards your life. Developing a daily practice of Positive Affirmations, Motivational and Self-love Journaling, and/or Decreasing Absorption Negativity can all help in strengthening positive self-regard.

Speak kindly to yourself and remember you are always listening. Reinforce acceptance in yourself and others and reject what no longer energizes, motivates, encourages, or fosters your ability to continually move forward in a positive direction.

 Be well and Keep Kindness in Your Heart,

  -Tonya 🩷